Tuesday, August 17, 2010

3 Delicious Noodles in Hong Kong

Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Hong Kong Sang Kee Fish Soup Noodle
Noodles in Fish Soup with Pork Belly, Sang Kee

Hong Kong is quite the noodle lovers' heaven. Look at this beautiful concoction of sweet fish soup with tender braised pork belly! Actually there were lots of healthier choices of toppings available, including fish balls, fish slices, beef slices, etc, but I just couldn't resist choosing pork belly. Apparently, the milky colour of the soup is attributed solely to an ardious preparation process of the stock, and not because of the addition of milk. Impressive! The fish stock was fresh and sweet. Yummy. It's a healthy and tasty bowl of noodles, if you don't choose pork belly that is!

Sang Kee Fish Soup Noodles
G/F, 10 Hillier Street
Sheung Wan, Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 2541 5099

Hong Kong Kau Kee Beef Brisket Noodles
Beef Brisket Noodles (Ngau Nam Min), Kau Kee

This has got to be the most famous beef brisket noodle stall in Hong Kong. This small eatery has been featured everywhere, countless of times. The picture doesn't do it justice. The broth is clear but full of flavour, and the e-fu noodle I chose did a really good job of soaking up all of that! The beef brisket was tender but retained a bite. Some people have insisted that this place is overhyped. But in my opinion, it's a truly delicious bowl of beefy noodle goodness. Most people think about wanton noodles as the defining noodle dish in Hong Kong, but in fact beef brisket noodles seem to be what Hong Kong-ers love more. I've never been in a country that has dealt with beef brisket more expertly. Trust me on this: you need to eat at least one beef brisket dish when you're in Hong Kong!

Kau Kee
G/F, 21 Gough Street, Central
Hong Kong
Mon - Sat 12:30-22:30

Hong Kong Tsui Wah Fish Soup Noodles
Noodles in Fish Soup with Soft Pork Bone and Chives Dumpling, Tsui Wah

Tsui Wah is one of Hong Kong's most well-loved char chan tengs. It has branches all over Hong Kong, so you should have no problem finding it. This well established char chan teng is known to be open 24 hours, even during typhoons! The range of dishes served in this char chan teng will amaze, but perhaps the most amazing part is that none of the dishes has ever failed to satisfy. Pictured above is one of my favourite noodles from the char chan teng. I love their fish soup stock, as well as the unbelievably tasty soft pork bone cartilage. I will say this again. The soft pork bone cartilage is unbelievable. It's incredibly savoury and tasty, and the gravy adds a dimension to the fish soup that I really love, which is also why the soup acquires a brownish hue. The chives dumplings are alright, though a tad strong on the chives. Another topping I really love is fish skin dumplings (yu pei gao), essentially pork dumplings wrapped in a skin made of fish paste. These chewy morsels of delight can be found in most wanton noodle eateries in Hong Kong, or even some char chan tengs, and Tsui Wah does them pretty well(:

Tsui Wah Restaurant
G-2/F, 15-19 Wellington Street
Central, Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 2525 6338

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